Phil Peel

Film, video, photography, sound and story

Archive for June, 2013

Don’t.. The film I shot for Deanna Dewey has just been shown at the New York City International Film Festival at the Tribeca Movie Theater. I couldn’t make it there, But here’s some photos of the event!/photo.php?fbid=562919053751427&id=161268420583161&set=a.562917280418271.1073741905.161268420583161&ref=m_notif&notif_t=close_friend_activity&__user=693875645

First day of Edinburgh Film Festival Talent Lab

Posted by Phil On June - 22 - 2013

30 filmmakers say hello to each other in marathon 2 hour session


This was pretty exhausting and for me after a few minutes it was a complete blur of faces and names. But a good ice breaker.


Then in the afternoon a Pitching Workshop from the viewpoint of Distribution Companies…basically they really prefer to hear pitches from Producers. Preferably not Directors and writers don’t get a look in.
This was followed up by Market Place Live, which I had seen before and is basically a role play dramatisation of the production of a fictionalised film…if that makes sense. It’s enjoyable, funny and highly informative.

Edinburgh Film Festival Day One

Posted by Phil On June - 20 - 2013

A word of advice. It’s not a good idea to leave your laptop in your bag when going through airport security.

They were very nice about it but I had to unpack everything. They swabbed everything in my bag for traces  of explosives, rescanned the laptop and I nearly missed my flight . Ken, who was travelling up with me, was getting quite concerned and I couldn’t ring him as I was in security.

Anyway I got through as they were boarding.

Edinburgh has been hot and sunny this year..Amazing. I’ve been coming up here for 6 years and it’s the warmest I’ve ever known it.

This year I’ve been invited up as one of only  five filmmakers from England to have special treatment as part of the Festival Talent Lab. Emerging filmmakers . Quite an honour. I hope I live up to their expectations. But things do seem to be on a bit of a roll at the moment .

Don’t” which I DOP’d was in the New York Festival last week, My short “Love” which I shot and directed was in the Edinburgh Short Film Festival ..also last week I’ve just finished shooting my film  “John Lennon’s Turd” and the week before DOP’ing another short “Derek”


So back to Edinburgh. I was invited to the Opening Premiere and Gala Red Carpet …full on black tie affair. I’m  not sure the American director of the opening film quite got the concept of black tie. Sure enough he wore a black tie, but with a red T shirt, checked shirt and jeans. 🙂

It was a exciting event, which would have been even more enjoyable if Ruth could have been there with me, but the invite was for one only.

So beforehand I was in the pub, in jeans and T shirt with my screenwriting mates, Ken, Graham and co. I disappear off .and 5 mins later re-appear resplendent in black tie and diner jacket. Interesting how you’re treated differently in posh clothes .

Oh did I mention the flat I’m staying in with the screen writers. Amazing….  address no.1  Parliament Square. Graham has outdone himself this year. I’ll add a photo later.

Back to the Opening Night. We all moved on down the road to the National Museum of Scotland ..a large crowd of posh frocks and dinner jackets . mostly . Inside the Museum was beautiful and jammed with all the great and good of the Edinburgh film world. I chatted to a few people then to my amazement saw my old friend from Southampton ilona Morrison, now Director of Cinefile Film Distributors. I’d made a film in her house years ago,  ..and she’s now based in Edinburgh.

So we did the classic eye’s meet across the dance floor thing.  Then with her husband we trailed round Edinburgh in the early hours trying to find a quiet pub. to taste the whisky. He’s a whisky expert and ran a whisky company It was then that I realised I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. but by then I’d gone beyond food.

Bed after midnight. Then woken at 5am as there’s no curtains in the room Too posh for curtains.. spoils the design I suppose.

Quick breakfast on the move and straight into a Gruesome Japanese Horror movie at 9am.

Well it is a film festival.

Opening Night Gala of the Edinburgh Festival

Posted by Phil On June - 18 - 2013


My ticket for the Opening Night Gala of the Edinburgh Festival.  Dress code black tie I’ve spent the last half hour trying to remember how to tie a black tie.  ..or do I give up and use the clip on variety.  I will not be defeated.

One of the later events dress code is kilts or casual.   Think I’ll go for casual.  Though when I was young I did wear a kilt on occasions as I grew up in Glasgow

1-2013-06-16 10.30.13


Lots of people to meet.   It’s going to be a busy week.