Phil Peel

Film, video, photography, sound and story

Archive for the ‘My Films’ Category

“Gone to Ground” nears completion

Posted by Phil On October - 16 - 2022

What do ”Outlaws”, ”Shetland”, ”Downton Abbey movie” and ”Gone to Ground” have in common?

They’ve all been ADR’ed (Automatic dialogue replacement) by Bristol sound studio ”Audio Uproar”

Matt Coster oversaw Melissa’s final outing as ”Magda” the lead in our feature film.

Due to the skills of sound recordist Kevin Harper, there was actually little to do, despite the difficult noisy location. Tidying up some lines after feedback from the dialogue accent coach.

Composer Chris Barnett and Phil are agreeing the music before it moves on to the orchestration

The tracks have been laid, foley near completion and we commence final mixing shortly.

After being delayed by lockdown, three years since cameras rolled, we’re finally near the end.

Melissa recording ADR
Melissa ready to record ADR
Phil at Audio Uproar sound studio
Audio Uproar sound studio

and here's three additional scenes

Up in top 30 in Screenwriting Goldmine Competition!

Posted by Phil On March - 21 - 2017

I haven't posted her for ages. Partly due to ongoing server problems as my provider is closing down. So it's good to start back with a little success.

I'm really pleased that my latest screenplay "Gone to Ground" has made the top 32 long list of the prestigious Screenwriting Goldmine competition.

” 32 writers/scripts, who I think have a really balanced combination of story, character, energy, craft, spark and one or two really fresh ideas that could interest a good few of the judges."

"The competition consistently delivers professional standard winners and finalists who subsequently find agents and work"  Steve Matthews – Executive Producer Drama Development at HBO Europe

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but for this script, so many others have helped me with this ..especially the awesome  Karole Griffiths …and many of my writer friends from the London Screenwriters Festival Talent Campus have generously helped me with this, so it feels a collaborative effort.

It's a very personal story as one of the main characters is based on my father. I started to write it after he died.

Gone to Ground                          

When an old ex-RAF wartime pilot rescues an injured, abused Polish sex worker from a car accident, their cultures clash as he’s shocked by her feral in-your-face sexuality and she’s exasperated by his mannered irritating routines, but as she slowly recovers they learn to accept each other  ..until her violent past returns to threaten both their lives.





We've ben nominated for Best Budget Short Film  at the Winchester Short Film Festival.  So we're going to have to dig out our glad rags and dickie bows.