Phil Peel

Film, video, photography, sound and story

Archive for the ‘My Screenplays’ Category

Up in top 30 in Screenwriting Goldmine Competition!

Posted by Phil On March - 21 - 2017

I haven't posted her for ages. Partly due to ongoing server problems as my provider is closing down. So it's good to start back with a little success.

I'm really pleased that my latest screenplay "Gone to Ground" has made the top 32 long list of the prestigious Screenwriting Goldmine competition.

” 32 writers/scripts, who I think have a really balanced combination of story, character, energy, craft, spark and one or two really fresh ideas that could interest a good few of the judges."

"The competition consistently delivers professional standard winners and finalists who subsequently find agents and work"  Steve Matthews – Executive Producer Drama Development at HBO Europe

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but for this script, so many others have helped me with this ..especially the awesome  Karole Griffiths …and many of my writer friends from the London Screenwriters Festival Talent Campus have generously helped me with this, so it feels a collaborative effort.

It's a very personal story as one of the main characters is based on my father. I started to write it after he died.

Gone to Ground                          

When an old ex-RAF wartime pilot rescues an injured, abused Polish sex worker from a car accident, their cultures clash as he’s shocked by her feral in-your-face sexuality and she’s exasperated by his mannered irritating routines, but as she slowly recovers they learn to accept each other  ..until her violent past returns to threaten both their lives.



Impact 50 Award Winner

Posted by Phil On May - 20 - 2016


Got this email yesterday.  Congratulations to all the other winners… You guys rocks.   ..and so many of my friends.

"The quality of work submitted to the Impact50 initiative was outstanding, and you should rightly be proud of your script and of your achievement as a writer. We can’t wait to get the ball rolling on the filmmaking phase, and then – further down the line – to celebrate with you all."


This email came through just as we were pitching at Cannes and Melissa was saying her embarrassing bit about me being an award winning writer, when I checked my email and said .. "I've just won another award".  ..I just said it without thinking, but I thought afterwards ..That is soo show off.    Still that's what Cannes is about.  


Just heard that I’m through to the Quarter Finals of The Screenwriting Goldmine Competition.
I’ve got through twice before to the quarter finals. But what’s so so much better this year is that I’ve shared this with so many new friends from the London Screenwriter Festival and the LSF Talent Campus. Dee Chilton, KT Parker, Poz Watson, Kristina Day, Kulvinder Gill, Halida Jones & Rachael Howard + I probably missed someone out. It’s really good to know such a lovely …and talented bunch of people.


Update Feb 2016

Posted by Phil On February - 4 - 2016

The edit of our 20 min film “Chasing Fame” shot in Toronto last summer is going well.

We have filming to complete for the UK part of the script. Those scenes will be shot in London and Glasgow.

The full feature screenplay of “Chasing Fame” is on it’s 4th draft and is currently with our wonderful script editor Karol Griffiths. The plan is to promote that in the summer for shooting in 2017

“Late Request” which won the Create50 Gold Award at the 2015 British Screenwriters Awards is scheduled to be shot during March.

The screenplay “Phoebe Langtry” has had wonderful feedback from the BlueCat screenwriting Competition, so I hope that’s going to be successful. Also awaiting results from the Screenwriting Goldmine competition. Previous scripts got through to the Quarter Finals.

My feature screenplay “Jacks Back” is scheduled for re-option for 2016

Phil is giving a presentation at Film Expo South on the 4th Feb. ..and his multi award winning short “LOVE” is also screening there.

The filming of the Xmas Concert at Salisbury City Hall is awaiting the mixed sound track before final completion.

…and we have provisional plans for another feature to be shot Autumn 2015.